Adrian Wijaya

When I was on my internship period, I tried to create serverless application to monitor Datadog API Key and its usages using SAM. As I explored into template application that run dynamoDB and lambda function at local, I found some problem at that template.

python person_table = boto.client(..., endpoint='http://localhost:8000/') (note this application written using python 3.8)

Before we got deeper into problem, I ran dynamoDB at port 8000 and SAM API at port 3000. The problem comes when the code above cannot find any services on port 8000.

So, I thought it is quite weird because I was sure that I set up the port correctly. The fact that I can open dynamoDB shell (http://localhost:8000/shell) on browser should be sufficient proof.

As I search and found this article. I thought that It would solve the problems. Turns out It didn’t and host.docker.internal only exist on WSL.

So after I searched at stackoverflow , I found that localhost, in this case means local on container created by SAM. Well, the solution is to change to that is the default subnet for docker container to communicate each other.